Dr. Emily Collins

Research Associate

CybSafe’s Oz Alashe and Dr. John Blythe are joined by Dr. Emily Collins of the University of Bath. In this interview, Oz and Dr. John delve into Dr. Emily’s research interests, which revolve around uncovering simple ways to get people to behave more securely online. Join this discussion to find out why security so often doesn’t work, why the fact that people are involved in the majority of breaches doesn’t necessarily mean they’re to blame for the majority of breaches and how to change people’s behaviour for the better.

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About Emily

Emily is a behavioural scientist in the Applied Digital Behaviour Lab at the University of Bath. With a background in Psychology and Human Computer Interaction, Emily specialises in cross-disciplinary research focusing on how technology can support and benefit users, especially in relation to cyber security behaviours. She is currently leading a project funded by the Home Office, via the National Cyber Security Programme, exploring the potential for ambient prompts to support cyber security behaviours in organisations.

Dr. Emily Collins

Research Associate


  • The different areas researchers are focused on within cyber security
  • Psychological insights we can use to overcome security challenges
  • The role of cues in behaviour change and habit formation
  • The importance of the use of non-technical language