Eliza May Austin

Ladies of London Hacking Society

Oz Alashe, CEO & Founder of CybSafe, sits down with Eliza May Austin, Founder and Director of the Ladies Of London Hacking Society, to discuss how, as a country, we would be a lot safer if women took more interest in and became more involved with cyber security. They also discuss the view that cybersecurity is a collective effort: it is up to the government, organisations and individuals to all act in unison if we are to change behaviour.

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About Eliza

Eliza specialises in incident response in the enterprise environment. She is particularly interested in the bespoke designing of threat intelligence, and advanced targeted attack response and remediation.She strongly advocates for neuro and class diversity in the security industry. Eliza’s passion for information security spurred her on to create the Ladies of London Hacking Society.

Eliza May Austin

Ladies of London Hacking Society


  • Why there are relatively few women in cyber security
  • The steps organisations should take to address the gender imbalance in the tech sector
  • Why we should be both excited and worried about rapid technological change
  • The benefits – and relative ease – of setting up interest groups