Dr Emma Philpott MBE

The IASME Consortium Ltd

Oz Alashe, CEO of CybSafe, asks Dr. Emma Philpott MBE, CEO at The IASME Consortium Ltd, about her experience innovating and advancing the cyber security landscape. Join this interview to hear about how technology is now an unavoidable part of our lives and what we should be doing to help those most vulnerable to cyber attacks.

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About Emma

Emma has worked in both large and small organizations, including the Ministry of Defence in the UK, QinetiQ in the UK, the Institute of Materials Research & Engineering in Singapore, and Cientifica in Singapore. She is currently the CEO of The IASME Consortium Ltd, an accreditation body for the UK’s Cyber Essentials initiative.

She also set up and now runs the UK Cyber Security Forum CIC.

Dr Emma Philpott MBE

The IASME Consortium Ltd


  • Whether the challenges brought about by the interactions between people and technology will ever go away
  • The areas of society being left behind by rapidly advancing technology
  • What the government is doing to help those being left behind
  • Upcoming developments in cyber crime