Rachel Carrell
Founder and CEO of Koru Kids
Oz Alashe, CEO of CybSafe, is joined by Rachel Carell, Founder and CEO of Koru Kids. The pair discuss the future of work, accelerated change and how businesses can benefit from upcoming changes. Rachel and Oz also discuss the impact of remote working on access to resources and talent, and new opportunities for the global talent pool.
Discussion points:
- Rachel’s background in management consulting and how that led her to healthcare.
- Building a viable business around the problem identified.
- The changes businesses have had to make, with regards to workers and the product being sold.
- The macro impact of remote working and potentially misguided views of productivity when working from home.
[tweetshareinline tweet=”What would the world’s best childcare service look like? Okay, let’s build that. – Rachel Carrell, Koru Kids”]
About Rachel
Rachel Carrell is the founder and CEO of Koru Kids, a fast-growing tech company dedicated to building the world’s best childcare service. Originally from New Zealand, Rachel holds a masters and doctorate from the University of Oxford, where she was a Rhodes Scholar.
She has received numerous awards including “Inspirational Mother” and “Best Businesswoman in Tech”, and was elected a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum in recognition of her work.
Rachel is also the mother of two young children. She was CEO of a multinational healthcare company when she had her first baby. She experienced first hand how difficult and expensive it can be to arrange childcare and decided to found Koru Kids in response.